Adonis blue

Adonis blue

Adonis blue ©Colin Williams

Adonis blue

The rare Adonis blue can be spotted on sunny chalk grasslands throughout summer. Males are a dazzling sky-blue in colour, while females are duller brown.

Enw gwyddonol

Polyommatus bellargus

Pryd i'w gweld

May to September

Species information


Wingspan: 3.0-4.0cm
Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.



The Adonis blue is the rarest of the blue butterflies in the UK. It is found on sunny, south-facing grassland that is rich in herbs. It doesn't travel far, so colonies can become isolated and vulnerable to extinction if their habitat is disturbed. This species has two broods per year, so adults can be seen from mid-May until the end of June, and then from early August until the end of September. Both caterpillars and adults feed on horseshoe vetch.

Sut i'w hadnabod

Male Adonis blues are a vivid, sky-blue or turquoise colour. There are fine black lines on the wings that extend into the white fringe. Females are generally brown, though this can vary and some may be quite blue.


Found in southern England.

Roeddech chi yn gwybod?

The caterpillars of the Adonis blue are always found with ants! The ants protect the caterpillars in return for a sugary substance that they produce.